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Our nursery has an outdoor space that can be adapted to suit individual needs and interests. We value outdoor outings on a daily basis, which has a positive influence on children’s immune systems.

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes”.

Notre projet

As our educational staff is linguistically diverse, children have the opportunity to be in contact with several languages (French, Luxembourgish, German, Dutch, etc.) from an early age. Fun activities are offered in different languages to help children develop an open mind.

Une jeune fille rousse avec une pomme sur la tête se tient devant un panneau sur lequel est écrit Bonjour dans différentes langues. Par exemple en indien, allemand, japonais, anglais. Mais à chaque fois, il est écrit en alphabet latin. Dans les crèches de Butzemillen, une attention particulière est portée à l'apprentissage de plusieurs langues dès le plus jeune âge et donc à la compétence d'agir dans un environnement multilingue.

Nos sorties

Our Butzemobile enables us to introduce children to the outside world by offering a variety of outings and activities. Excursions are regularly organized: to a local market, to a play, to a theme park, to a playground, to the forest, to the swimming pool, to a picnic and much more.

These activities are offered at no extra cost to parents.