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Our crèche

Let's meet for a first appointment without any commitment on your part.


Let's meet for a first appointment without any commitment on your part.

Un plan large de l'aire de jeux de notre crèche montre l'offre variée des aires de jeux de nos crèches. On y voit quelques tipies en bois, un bac à sable avec protection solaire, un but de football et de nombreuses autres possibilités de s'occuper.


Our nursery is conveniently located near a motorway exit and several bus stops. Thanks to its parking spaces reserved exclusively for parents, each child can easily be accompanied to the nursery.

What sets us apart

Our nursery offers an open concept in which children can freely choose the activities they wish to participate in. This educational principle allows younger and older children to meet during various activities.


Parking Kiss & Go

To ensure the safety of children and parents, all our nurseries and day care centers provide private parking spaces. This way, you can easily park to drop off or pick up your child.

A spot is available for you

Let's meet for a non-binding first appointment.
