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Our Philosophy

Developing individually while finding one’s place in society, quite a challenge for the child!

We have made it our mission to support, assist and encourage your child at each stage of their development. We see each of our childcare facilities as interactive and open educational places. We are stepping away from the conventional image of a simple childminder to create diverse spaces of experimentation where children can develop freely. Concepts such as self-determination, participation, and autonomy are naturally integrated into our daily life.

Trois adultes sont assis par terre avec trois enfants. Ils jouent ensemble, l'ambiance est joyeuse et on voit la confiance qui s'installe. En impliquant les parents dans le quotidien des enfants dans nos crèches, nous créons une base de confiance profonde qui permet aux enfants de se sentir chez eux dans nos crèches.
On y voit six enfants assis sur une surface verte et jouant ensemble avec des blocs de construction. Jouer ensemble favorise les compétences sociales et permet aux enfants de nouer de nouveaux contacts dans nos crèches.
Offering different types of parent meetings: individual appointments, themed parent cafes, interviews during events organized by the facilities.
Follow-up of educational orientation and consideration of each child as an individual with abilities and capable of making his or her own choices.
Monitoring the professional development of educational staff. Through targeted observations and trainings as well as organized discussion moments, our educational department responds to questions and supports reflection.

Our educational management team

Our code of behaviour

In order to guarantee quality work for the children and families,
we have developed a work charter.

At Butzemillen, all professionals commit to…

Welcome each child and their family without judgment

Put the child at the center of our thoughts

Call each child by their first name

Develop active listening

Address each child at their level

Adjust the environment to meet the needs and interests of each child

Recognize the child as a competent being able to make decisions

Ensure a trustful, friendly, and warm atmosphere

Allow each child time to complete their play, nap, or dream

Support the child in their development and experimentation

Adopt kind language

Provide each child with healthy, varied, and balanced food using fresh and seasonal products

Keep promises